Are you living a life for others due to conditioning and past experiences and allowing your emotions and ideals take the lead in who you are as a person?! Not sure?! This workshop will bring light to how you currently operate and shifts the way you view how you show up in your life allowing a reconnection to your spirit and soul.

Join me on February 23rd, 1:30pm-4:30pm for a virtual gathering of women exploring how to connect to their true authentic expression. Most women are blocked from accessing her core power, her true awareness of self. Soul Therapy® is an evolutionary embodiment of exploring your human experience from the SOUL level.

During our time together you will be asked five questions that will lead you into greater awareness of who you are, why you get stuck, what your soul wants to communicate to you, how to manifest your dreams and how to love yourself. If you have ever wanted to tap into your unlimited potential and be happy in the flow of life with less stress, it’s time!

Your authentic voice is all you need and resides within you and provides ample opportunities for you to listen, grow and expand. Most people don’t know how to listen or understand how to embrace their soul’s wisdom and knowledge. This workshop is designed to show you how to remove the barriers that stop you from experiencing and living a fully expressed, evolutionary life!

As a Licensed Soul Therapist® and Soul Parent | Spiritual Child™ Evolutionary Educator, I have been supporting women through self discovery, family dynamics and generational patterns and these bring clarity around how all these aspects of life play a role in connecting to your true Authentic Self.

What women have shared about this workshop:

“My favourite part was the questions! They really open up what’s going on and bring out things I wasn’t aware of”

“I loved sharing out loud and making new discoveries about myself!”

Being able to speak freely in a safe space felt empowering for me”

There is space for 6 women. If you are ready to commit to yourself and create space for YOU in your life, claim your space below!